Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

It's funny to catch this picture, with Avery looking beautiful as usual, such a sweet big sister. But also with Landon found rarely with his binkie/paci and swaddled. This leads me to write about the vast differences with a second baby. He is so rarely swaddled, only at night for night time sleep. He naps on-the-go or in the swing, never in his crib. With Avery naps were scheduled and in the crib, swaddled, with a noise machine. Landon can sleep through barking dog, Avery screaming, vacuum under his swing, music blaring. He has very distinct periods where he needs the pacifier, but once he is calm and almost asleep he lets it go and falls asleep. With Avery the 5 s's of "the happiest baby on the block" were frequently implemented: shushing, side-lying, swinging, swaddled, sucking. At Landon's 2 week appointment Dr. Woo reminded me of the witching hour with lots of crying and the need for soothing was to be expected. Only it never came and I kept waiting and saying, "no don't say he's a good baby, it might jinx it", but he has no witching hour. It may also be that the crying doesn't bother me/us so much the second time around. I mean what can you do when unloading groceries, getting lunch quickly prepared for a hungry 3 year old? But I think it really is more that he cries a wee bit less. No yoga ball for bouncing to be found in the new house. Yet.


a gracious plenty said...

poor second children. reminds me of multiple birth babies. ;O)

you being a second child, you'll be attune to his needs.

a gracious plenty said...

one more thought. avery didn't have avery--meaning landon, as second child, gets to have a big sister to dote on him and care for him. he'll be just fine! (as you know.)

The Sweetest Bean said...

this sounds exactly like all of the thoughts i have had about seth and rory over the past months! second babies truly are so different (and so wonderful!)