Thursday, May 7, 2009

Little Fishy

We recently took another trip to Florida.  We learned more each day that our little girl is quite a water baby.  We were able to visit the beach and pool each day. We flew a fun little fish kite.  We were able to spend time with GG, Poppy, Daynie, Grandpa Michael, and Great Grandmas Jenny and June.  Jon and I enjoyed a rare date night.  We enjoyed 4 flights where Avery behaved quite well, thanks to many distractions that we brought along, including Avery's first portable DVD experience. Thank you Sesame Street. We have tons of video that we have yet to sort through but hopefully we'll get some up soon.  

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Our Swim Baby

By the last day at the pool, Avery was calling herself a "swim baby" and Jon and I were standing 4-5 feet apart, throwing Avery back and forth between us, her head going under water. Every time she came up from under the water, she was smiling and turning around in our arms as fast as possible to go back to the other parent. This went on for quite some time. You can also see in almost every picture that the best pool toy is a pair of orange Crocs. They float great.

Jon credits her early swimming classes when she was 8-18 mos old with this comfort in the water. I think it also helped going to the pool every day for a week. She also was able to start "jumping" in from the side. "Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great Faaaaaallllll," said Mommy or Daddy. Avery would lean toward us, we'd catch her and swim her across to the other side. "More Humpy, More Humpy," said Avery. So the moral of this story is in June we are signing back up for swim lessons at the Y. Since returning home Avery has asked every day for the pool.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Family Time

Kisses with GG

Healing Garden time with GG

Avery and Great Grandma June

Great-great Uncle Irving and his wife Ricki

We didn't successfully capture on film all the family we saw.  That is one thing I am so bad at, keeping the camera snapping.  But these are a few pictures of Avery with some family.