Sunday, November 20, 2011

Independence: A lesson (sort of) learned

When I started grad school in 1998, I was fresh out of college. I relocated to a new city where I knew no one and was fortunate enough to make 2 of the most wonderful friends, Angel and Aubrey. When we started school Angel had at the time a 4 year old daughter. I can see her sweet little face to this day (now she is a beautiful 18 year old woman). I learned so much from Mama Bear Angel, she was such a good friend to us youngins. I watched her love her daughter with all her heart. This was something I guess I had never seen from that perspective. None of my friends had kids at that time, we were still just kids. I distinctly remember that Angel would allow Rebecca to dress herself, even if it was a crazy little ensemble. I remember thinking I wasn't sure if I would be able to do that with my own kid, that I might not have the courage. I remember thinking that again once I had Avery. But nowadays, when we don't have anywhere too important to be :) I try to foster this independence in Avery by letting her choose what she wants to wear. I don't even go in her room, because if I did I would probably have to stop her or provide recommendations. Here is the recent outfit that got me thinking to write about Angel and Rebecca. I love and miss them as they live too far away!
Isn't she wonderful in this delightful ensemble!?!

1 comment:

a gracious plenty said...

she looks beautiful and did an excellent job getting dressed.

i think you should let her pick out your clothes too.