Saturday, September 6, 2008

While Daddy's Away...

So just 10 days before Daddy's departure date, I got an urgent call from Auntie Bee saying "Great Grandma Libby is surprising your sister for the triplets' birthday, you have to figure out a way to be here". So while Daddy went to Colorado, Avery and I left just 3 weeks after returning for another trip to see her precious cousins. We had a great time. Grandpa and NanaLin were there and Grancy came with GreatAunt Nita and Libby. The picture above is Avery with Grandpa.

1 comment:

GrandPa said...

You are so precious and such a trooper when you are with your 3 cousins...pretty hectic but FUNFUNFUN, huh??????
So good to be with you and your Mom and Dad recently...we love y'all so much.....see you soon!!!!
NanaLin & G'Pa